Sabtu, 25 Juni 2016

The City Magazine

hey everyone, Nafisatul and I just created a Joomag magazine about Kebumen. Please kinda check our magazine by clicking this following link

Selasa, 12 April 2016

My Opinion about "Instructions with Technologies for Middle School Classrooms"

In this modern era we can not deny how important technology is. It is like, a must for us to have it, since most of every things in this world use technology. For example in Education Sector. Nowadays, there are so many teachers use technology to help them to teach their students. Even in the middle school classroom, they use it to make the teaching and learning process more attractive. And I think it is very good since it is make the teachers job easier. Also for the students, they can use their gadget to do something more useful than just use it for having fun in social media. As a teacher, we should use technology wisely, whether it is good or not for the students and it is not good to use it every time we teach. Technology is just a tool to help the teacher and the students in the learning process.

Selasa, 05 April 2016

Online Social Media Applications for Language Teaching Learning

For teaching students how to present, create and code
More than 250,000 teachers use TED education tools 
to spark student curiosity and explore presentation literacy skills. We can help in the process of creating TED-Ed Lessons by choosing videos and creating questions to include.

Draw and Tell
This app can increase creative confident 
in kids of all ages. Just draw something, tell a story about it and share your creation.

Students can easily create and share their own beautiful videos with Animoto. The app allows students to select a theme, music, images or videos, add captions and/or two lines of text, and within minutes a slick video is created. The finished product can be shared via social media, uploaded to YouTube, or embedded in a student’s e-portfolio.

From science experiments to merit badges, this app offers instructions for more than 100,000 DIY projects. Looking for a classroom maker project? You’ll find it here.

Students can learn computer science fundamentals  via game design  using this app.

After students get inspired by the open-source wonderland at Thingaverse
, turn them loose to start designing their own 3D objects with this app.
For everyday classroom needs
Teachers love this notetaking app for good reason. When they use Evernote, it allowed them to get rid of handouts. Teachers can share their projects with the students through they shared notebooks, and all assignments are posted on the Assignment shared notebook that is available for parents on my website. Traditionally, these handouts would be viewed by students then trashed. Now they can view them on Evernote and trees can be saved.

Explain Everything
Basically, it’s an interactive whiteboard.  It’s one of the most versatile apps you can have in your toolbox.

This app makes it easy to create new videos for learning. For example, it’s a great tool for explaining math strategies with voice, pen and screen recorder. It also lets students make learning resources for other children to use.

Oxford Dictionaries
Every classroom needs a good dictionary or two. It’s a quick way to answer ‘what does [insert unfamiliar word] mean?’.

For collaborating on school projects
Whether you’re collaborating with other teachers or assigning group project work to students, this app can make communication easier for teams in a variety of settings. It has the benefits of a Facebook group, plus wonderful integration with Google Docs and Google Hangouts.

Google Apps for Education
If you see the acronym GAFE on any education blog, it probably refers to this suite of Google apps. Among teachers, Hangouts gets a thumbs up for video-based conversations.

This cloud-based platform is similar to Facebook, only it includes the needed security features for school use. Teachers usually use Schoology for a class page, so my students and I can post assignments, videos, completed work and links.

This app makes it easy to map out the relationships between ideas. For complex group projects, it can also provide a way to quickly visualize and create a project outline, together.

Sometimes what you really want is a wiki. For those moments, teachers recommend this app.

For communicating with students (and their families)
This digital communication tool is in a league of its own, the privacy (no personal phone numbers are required) and message scheduling features are top-notch. For a high school teacher, Remind is an essential digital tool, since most teens have cell phones with texting capabilities.

A WordPress blogging platform designed with teachers in mind. It’s user friendly and makes uploading and sharing images simple.

This option provides multiple ways to engage students and their families who built a reward system for students based on points earned in class.

For giving (and receiving) student feedback
For providing clear feedback, many teachers like this learning management system. The app makes it possible to give students constructive feedback in a 1:1 manner, it’s also easy for students to respond.

This learning assessment tool simplifies grading and reports. One recommendation: try out the quiz feature to enhance student understanding of classroom content.

This open-source learning management platform has a questionnaire option and the  students will complete this anonymously to give teachers feedback on their online class.

Google Form
Many teachers recommend this app for gathering feedback from students.

So as you can see above there are so many apps that teacher and student use to help the teaching learning process, even we can invite the family to join in the app. But as a teacher we should choose the apps by considering students need. We should think which apps that can help our students.
For myself, my teacher  used Edmodo. In this app, teacher can share what material that the students need. For the assignment also the teacher can posted in it and the students will answer it in the app, so there will not paper. And the students also can see their score after answer the questions.

Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

Blended Learning

Blended learning is the way e-learning that combine with traditional classroom method to create a new teaching methodology. . It represents a much greater change in basic technique than simply adding computers to classrooms; it represents, in many cases, a fundamental change in the way teachers and students approach the learning experience.

A course created in a blended learning model uses the classroom time for activities that benefit the most from direct interaction. Traditional education (especially at the college level) tends to place an emphasis on delivering material by way of a lecture, while in a blended learning model lectures can be videotaped ahead of time so the student can watch on their own time. The classroom time is more likely to be for structured exercises that emphasize the application of the curriculum to solve problems or work through tasks.

Blended learning itself has six models :
1.      Face to Face Driver
2.      Rotation
3.      Flex
4.      Online Lab
5.      Self-Blend
6.      Online Driver

Blended learning is a core part of P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School. Since 2010, the school has taken a schoolwide approach to integrating digital content as part of their instructional framework. Driven by changes already happening at the higher education levels and the need to prepare students for the 21st century workplace, blended learning provides the school with a variety of ways to address student needs, differentiate instruction, and provide teachers with data for instructional decision-making. So it will be good for a teacher to start use blended learning that has benefits to teach their students. 

Senin, 21 Maret 2016

Global Education Network

New technologies provide ways to overcome the traditional barriers to global education and language learning.  The 21st century ushered in an era with the highest level of global interconnected in human history.  Technology now allows us to view live images of events taking place virtually anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The rapid development of global technological capacity and abilities also create opportunities for educators. Where institutions and individuals recognize the importance of education to national economic development, available opportunities are plentiful.

Technology can be instrumental in creating global learning experiences because technology has the power to breakdown geographical, economical, language, and time-zone barriers. With technology, we can gather around a screen in a small town in one place and connect with another place. Technology also allows for a two-way street. Instead of just sending information out about a holiday, custom, or community that your children experienced in the classroom, you can have an exchange and receive information back in return about cultural practices, customs, and communities other children experience around the world.

In this high-tech era there is a significant benefit to instant global communications is that students can improve their language skills through student-to-student conversations regardless of where they live.  The introduction of Peer-to-Peer video conferencing using devices students are familiar with can increase personal interaction. And it can be accomplished from anywhere, it is like opening the world to students who do not have the time or resources to travel.