Minggu, 13 Oktober 2013

it's about you, him and her ;)

Yesterday, the lecturer  told us to make a group, and we had to make five questions for each member of the group. I was one group with Ernie Karina, M. Nur Bahri and Febri Cintia Maharani.
At the first,I gave them question about “Who is the most special person  in your life not including your parents?” Ernie  answered that her brother is the special one, Bahri answered it was her teacher, and Febri thaught that her friend was.
The second questions was “Which lecturer in this campus you like?” Febri and Ernie said Mr. Arif  *for this I agree with them ;) , but Bahri said he likes Mrs. Galuh, I didn’t know about her because since my "rombel" and him were different.
“What is your favorite film?” that’s The third question.  Harry potter was Ernie favorites, and Bahri favorited Taiyou No Uto, that’s Japenesse film and I didn’t know about this film at all. Well, if Febri, seems likes local movie,she liked Habibie & Ainun and 5cm.
And for the fourth questions, I asked them about their idol, Ernie said Nabi Muhamad SAW was her idol. Taecyon, one of members SNSD was bahri idol, maybe he is K-POPers ? and febri  really idolized Maudy Ayunda.
The last questions  is “Who lent you some moneys?” Erni answered that she always lent some moneys to her roommate, if Bahri, he lent to his  father and Febri said that she never lent some money to anybody, I think that’s wow :D

Ok , thats all guys about my group. Thanks ;)

Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013

He is dazzle me....

 Hi, everyone! Now,I will tell you about someone who I really admired. He was one of the Britsh actor who can achieve success in Hollywood. He become famous because his roleplay as Edward Cullen at the Twilight Saga movie. Do you know who I mean? Yes, he is Robert Pattinson.

At the first, I just like him because his character as Edward, but when I find out more about him, I really fell in love with him. Not only for his face but also because his character. He is kind, very friendly with his fans, humorist, and very protective with what he has. He also a musician, he sings two songs for the Twilight soundtrack.
But after all, the most I love about him is his smile. He has a very breathtaking smile. :)

Rabu, 25 September 2013

my mom said....

Hi guys, its me- again Natalie :D, this time I will share about advice from my mom :)

FYI,I am the oldest children in my family and I have a young brother. Because i am the only girl in my family, my mother is very protected of me. Like I can't go hang out at night, I can't make a relationship with a boy before i'm adult and I can't go home late.

For example is when I am in senior high school, I go home late and then my mom will said “Dari mana? Habis ngapain? Kenapa baru pulang?” and blab bla bla everytime. But I understand why she do that.
Even I know that is good for me but sometime I still break it,maybe you've heard a saying "rules are made to be broken"? So i break it :D, like I still go home late. You know? We are still teenager,right? At that time I mean,so its no problem.

Still and all, we should know our limit !

Ok guys,that’s all. Bye ;)

Sabtu, 14 September 2013

Its about tomorrow

Hi, guys I am Nat and in this blog I want to share about my “Future Activities”

Tomorrow, my friend and I are going to go to the Bank. I will transfer some moneys to my friend because I just buy a novel from her. And this is the novel :)

it is like a fan fiction
Meanwhile, my friend is going to get moneys from her parents.  After that,we will join English Conversation Club (ECC) in B3’s gazebo. It is our first meeting  and I hope, it will fun.
 At 03.00 p.m we have a Technical Meeting  for  Freshmen Gathering event.  We will get information about our dresscode for that event.  I am so excited because our theme is about GREEK and  I always wondering what should we wear ? But whatever it is, I am sure it will be cool. 

Ok,thats all about my plans for tomorrow, thanks ;)