Rabu, 25 September 2013

my mom said....

Hi guys, its me- again Natalie :D, this time I will share about advice from my mom :)

FYI,I am the oldest children in my family and I have a young brother. Because i am the only girl in my family, my mother is very protected of me. Like I can't go hang out at night, I can't make a relationship with a boy before i'm adult and I can't go home late.

For example is when I am in senior high school, I go home late and then my mom will said “Dari mana? Habis ngapain? Kenapa baru pulang?” and blab bla bla everytime. But I understand why she do that.
Even I know that is good for me but sometime I still break it,maybe you've heard a saying "rules are made to be broken"? So i break it :D, like I still go home late. You know? We are still teenager,right? At that time I mean,so its no problem.

Still and all, we should know our limit !

Ok guys,that’s all. Bye ;)

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